Topciment presents Sttandard!
From Topciment we have decided to take a step further in terms of design and we have updated our image and the aesthetics of our buckets. We present our Sttandard product range, same quality and features, but with a much more visual and current renewed image, always without losing the Topciment essence.

With this improvement, we want to take a step up in terms of design and have the image that truly represents our brand. TOP material, TOP design.
In addition, we have associated a specific colour with each of the products to make it much easier to identify them and thus facilitate the work for all the people who work with our materials.
The distinctive TT of Topciment gains prominence in this new design and has been the central axis of this image and product naming renewal. So the line of bicomponent microcements changes its name. It's a risky move, but we go from a very generic name like bicomponent, to one made to measure for Topciment: Sttandard, always with our TT reinforcing the brand.
Por lo tanto, a partir de ahora nuestros microcementos bicomponentes pasan a llamarse:
- Sttandard Microbase 20KG
- Sttandard Microfino 20KG
- Sttandard Microstone 20KG
- Sttandard Microdeck 20KG
- Sttandard Aquaciment 20KG
However, this change is not only at an aesthetic level, but also the quality and ergonomics of the cubes have been implemented, as we are not only focused on the image but also on achieving the best quality in everything that surrounds Topciment.

With all these improvements, Topciment wants to reinforce its image and position itself as the best brand of microcement in terms of material quality and also in terms of design. Always without forgetting the people who work with us, because everything is for and about them.