
Accesorios y herramientas para concreto estampado

Selecting the right accessories and tools is the key to ensuring a proper application process for imprinted concrete. That's why with the family Toptools, Topciment provides its customers with quality accessories to streamline and facilitate the work of the professional in the sector.

Accessories and tools for imprinted concrete with which we guarantee the best possible results in the installation of imprinted pavements and vertical imprinted concrete.

An extensive catalog in which the applicator will find trowels, indispensable tools for smoothing and leveling the imprinted concrete. But also edgers, tools thanks to which you can round off the imprinted concrete coating obtaining amazing results.

Tools for imprinted concrete where a wide variety of trowels, orbitals or rakes, among others, cannot be missing. But also vital accessories for working and applying imprinted concrete such as polypropylene fibers and polyethylene plastic films. Discover them all on this page.

Magnesium Float para concreto estampado

Allana y nivela de una manera fácil y sencilla el concreto con nuestra llana de magnesio. Una herramienta que cuenta con un sistema oscilante que permite al profesional trabajar en los dos sentidos, facilitando y agilizando el proceso.

This magnesium plate trowel has a rounded finish. A perfect tool for stamped concrete to ensure that the surface is completely smooth. Especially in those jobs where you can't access manually.

The function of the magnesium float is to eliminate all irregularities that may appear after screeding a concrete slab. A tool that swallows the thicker aggregates of the concrete when passing over the surface. In this way, it helps to create a smoother decorative finish.

Es importante destacar que el uso de esta herramienta para concreto impreso debe utilizarse inmediatamente después del nivelado. Justo antes de que irrumpa en la superficie el agua sobrante superficial.

We also recommend, passing the magnesium trowel perpendicularly to the direction of the concrete screeding in a subtly raised manner. Since in the case of doing it very flat, the concrete coating could be sealed.


Tenemos dos tipos de llanas de magnesio para la nivelación y alisado del concreto:

91 x 20 cm.
115 x 20 cm.

Aluminum handle for trowel and float for imprinted concrete

Extra strong and light blue aluminum handle that facilitates the comfort of the professional in the application of imprinted concrete. A accessory with great grip that is adaptable to our trowels and floats. Specifically to the Magnesium Float, to the Texas Pro trowel and to the California trowel.


Our aluminum handle for trowel and float for imprinted concrete measures 190 cm.

California trowel for imprinted concrete

La Llana California es una de las herramientas para concreto estampado más utilizadas.

It is used to ensure that the color hardener penetrates correctly into the concrete, a transcendental step in the application of the system.

Una llana de acero inoxidable con bordes redondeados que no incluye cabezal. Con nuestra Llana California introducirás la capa de rodadura como debe ser. Una herramienta que también sirve para ayudar a alisar la superficie y que se puede combinar con nuestro mango de aluminio.


La Llana California para concreto estampado está disponible en dos medidas distintas:

90 x 18 cm
122 x 18 cm

Llana Texas Pro para concreto estampado

La Llana Texas Pro es otra de las herramientas para concreto estampado más solicitadas. Una llana diseñada con acero inoxidable que facilita la incursión del endurecedor de color en el soporte de concreto.

A trowel with also rounded edges and that does not incorporate a head. Unlike the California Trowel, this tool for imprinted concrete has a greater width. A factor that makes it suitable for applying the product on larger surfaces. Likewise, it can be coupled with our aluminum handle.


La Llana Texas Pro para concreto estampado está disponible en 122 x 30 cm.

Orbitel Pro Rotatorio para concreto estampado

With our Orbitel Pro Rotating head, the professional will perform the application of imprinted concrete in a faster, more comfortable and effective way. An adapter suitable for trowel and trowel that gives the operator greater maneuverability for movements to execute the imprinted pavement.

This accessory is compatible with the California Trowel, the Texas Pro Trowel and with the Magnesium Float.

Orbitel Fijo para llana para concreto estampado

El Orbitel Fijo es un accesorio esencial para la aplicación de concreto estampado. Un cabezal pensado para llanas, especialmente para nuestra Llana de Magnesio. Al no ser giratorio, es un cabezal que reduce la libertad de movimientos. Por consiguiente, es un accesorio más económico que su predecesor.

Orbitel Fijo para Llana California para concreto estampado

Cabezal específico para nuestra Llana California. De igual modo que su homólogo, es un accesorio para concreto estampado más barato al ser fijo. Un adaptador, que como se puede comprobar, es de dimensiones más reducidas que el Orbitel Fijo que se utiliza para talocha.

Llana de Magnesio para concreto estampado

Trowel made of magnesium for smoothing and extending concrete on floors and vertical walls. Created to help lift the pore of the surface and especially indicated for the smallest spaces, which require greater precision and more manual work.

Thanks to its ergonomic plastic handle, the Magnesium Trowel is a tool for imprinted concrete that is very comfortable to use by the professional. In addition, it is a trowel that guarantees a smooth application thanks to the non-stick base that magnesium provides.

Its square corners also favor grout coverage in the most complicated corners.

Pool Trowel for imprinted concrete

La llana de piscina es uno de los tipos de llanas para concreto estampado más utilizadas. Formada por una hoja de acero de color azul de la más alta calidad y muy flexible, pudiendo curvarse prácticamente a cualquier radio.

A tool for imprinted concrete with a comfortable ergonomic and non-slip grip handle, which facilitates manual movements by the professional. Especially indicated for obtaining finer and more refined finishes.

Very easy to use, it is perfect for review and leveling of concrete. For each dimension, there is a perfect Pool Trowel.


Depending on the dimensions of the surface to be covered, the Pool Trowel for imprinted concrete is available in the following sizes:
35 x 10 cm
41 x 10 cm
51 x 13 cm

Curved Edger for imprinted concrete

Stainless steel curve edger with which to shape the corners of the concrete surfaces. It is ideal for creating rounded edges in those areas where other larger edgers do not reach.

Una herramienta para concreto estampado que destaca por su facilidad de manejo, gracias a su mango, y por ser muy resistente. Su doble labio, beneficia la terminación del revestimiento.


La canteadora curva para concreto estampado presenta unas medidas de 15 x 7 cm.

Flat Edger for imprinted concrete

Stainless flat edger very useful for concrete work. It is designed to round off edges and corners at right angles. In the same way as the Curve, it is a tool for imprinted concrete of excellent resistance and very easy to use.


La canteadora plana para concreto estampado es de 20 x 13 cm.

Tamper for stamping imprinted concrete molds

The tamper is a tool whose purpose is to mark and stamp the molds of imprinted concrete. A very useful complement especially in the summer season, where high temperatures cause the concrete to harden quickly.

A period in which greater pressure is required to ensure proper molding. Just the function that this tamper fulfills, which stamps the molds of imprinted concrete quickly and effectively. In this way, it helps to correctly mark the drawing and texture of the imprinted mold on the pavement.

Un pisón que se utiliza después de haber introducido la capa de rodadura y el desmoldante de concreto estampado. El marcado se realiza con la ayuda del pisón, el que contribuirá a que la superficie de concreto adquiera la textura del molde estampado.

Rake for imprinted concrete

Rake for spreading, spreading and leveling the imprinted concrete. Does not include the wooden handle seen in the photograph. Excellent for smoothing the fresh concrete just poured on the pavement to decorate.


The measurements of our rake for imprinted concrete is 50 cm.

Cinceles de aluminio para concreto estampado

We have a wide variety of chisels for imprinted concrete with which to highlight the joints after the concrete hardens. Chisels that have been manufactured in aluminum alloy and that, therefore, are very resistant to blows.

Son herramientas para concreto estampado cuya funcionalidad es marcar y reparar las juntas que no han quedado perfectas y presentan irregularidades. Ofrecemos hasta cuatro tipos de cinceles distintos para tratar las ondulaciones restantes en las juntas.


The aluminum chisels for imprinted concrete from Topciment have the following measurements:

4 cm
10 cm
20 cm
30 cm

Rodillos de textura para concreto estampado

We have several texture rollers to make and review lines and marks in imprinted concrete works. These lag rollers, as they are also called, can be used both on pavements and on facades or walls.

Tipos de rodillos de textura para concreto estampado

Dependiendo de la textura, contamos con varios rodillos para trabajos de concreto impreso:

  • Rodillo de textura curva 1/4
  • Rodillo de textura plana 3/8
  • Rodillo textura arenosa 3/8
  • Rodillo de textura plana 3/16
  • Rodillo textura cuña 1/2
  • Rodillo textura plana 1/2
  • Rodillo textura arenosa 1/2

Gancho para concreto estampado

El gancho es una herramienta para realizar aplicaciones de concreto estampado. Un accesorio que permite levantar la malla en la losa de concreto. Un gancho de fácil manejo y con mango de madera.

Alisador para concreto estampado

Metallic jointer for marking, filling or smoothing the joints of imprinted concrete. In this way, the finish is much more regular and uniform.

A tool for imprinted concrete that allows doing said work with geometric shapes, so it does not lift the concrete. It does not include a handle.


Nuestro rodillo para concreto estampado es de 24 cm.

Guantes Neopreno Pro para concreto estampado

Neoprene gloves intended for construction work, as is the case with imprinted concrete. Gloves that stand out for being very flexible, resistant to the handling of chemical products as well as high temperatures.

An accessory that guarantees the protection of the professional in the application of imprinted concrete while maneuvering. With them you can mix, pour, model and manipulate the stamped concrete with total safety.

Zapatos con clavos para concreto estampado

Zapatos de púas metálicas muy recomendables para la aplicación de pavimentos autonivelantes, continuos o multicapa. Gracias a los pinchos de las suelas, la superficie de apoyo disminuye y el profesional puede caminar sobre el pavimento fresco sin dejar marcas sobre el mismo.

Además, estos zapatos con clavos para concreto estampado evitan la aparición de burbujas en el futuro pavimento industrial o decorativo. Un conjunto de beneficios a los que hay que añadir las correas ajustables a los pies de los trabajadores.


Kit Llana California 90 para concreto estampado

The California 90 Trowel kit is a tool kit for imprinted concrete that includes:

  • 1 unidad de Llana California (90 x 18 cm)
  • 1 unidad de Orbitel Pro Giratorio
  • 1 unidad de Mango Aluminio

Kit de llana para concreto estampado

The Talocha kit is a tool kit for imprinted concrete that incorporates:

  • 1 unidad de Talocha Magnesio
  • 1 unidad de Orbitel Pro Giratorio
  • 1 unidad de Mango Aluminio

Rodillo texturizado para concreto estampado

Rodillo texturizado para crear diferentes texturas en aplicaciones de concreto estampado. Un rodillo que no solo deja marca y cierra completamente los poros del concreto, sino que además le proporciona al pavimento un acabado antideslizante.

Este rodillo estampado debe usarse justo después del enrasado y antes del alisado del concreto estampado. Un producto que se usa para hundir el agregado en la losa y llevar a la superficie la pasta. El resultado es que un soporte más uniforme y un acabado más suave.

Película plástica de polietileno para concreto estampado

The polyethylene film is a highly useful complement for construction projects. Mainly, in those where concrete is used as a construction material. It is generally used to prevent chafing and cracks in the concrete.

Our polyethylene plastic film for imprinted concrete acts as a vapor or anti-humidity barrier. It prevents moisture from coming out of the slab by capillarity of the ground and that part of the ground absorbs the water that the concrete kneading gives off. In addition, our product has good mold resistance and stands out for its robustness and flexibility.

Es perfecto para proteger pisos y paredes verticales de concreto de todo tipo de contaminaciones que pueden ocurrir al aplicar una losa, capa de rodadura, desmoldantes, resinas, etc. Asimismo, esta película plástica de polietileno protege de igual manera los revestimientos de concreto cuando se proyectan aislantes térmicos en una cámara.

Una protección que se extiende a la colocación de placas o molduras de yeso, del mismo modo que al pintar los pisos o superficies verticales. Un film plástico de polietileno capaz de preservar tejas y suelos cuando rematamos monocapa.


En Topciment contamos con películas plásticas de polietileno para concreto estampado de 1 a 4 metros. En cuanto al grosor de los mismos, disponemos de calibres de 200, 300 y 400.

Sheets of expanded polyethylene for imprinted concrete

Within our wide range of accessories and complements for imprinted concrete, you can find expanded polyethylene sheets. High-quality products, non-crosslinked and with closed cells.

The application of expanded polyethylene sheets favors acoustic insulation, thus reducing the level of noise allowed in different construction works. A material that also serves as an insulation joint in horizontal walls and impact.

Expanded polyethylene sheets for imprinted concrete of minimal thickness and that not only serve as acoustic insulation, but also as thermal insulation in horizontal walls and impact. Highly flexible materials that guarantee a simple and comfortable application.

Our expanded polyethylene sheets are not only useful for insulation of imprinted concrete, but they are also highly recommended on ceramic floors and wood, among other materials.


The metallic fibers for imprinted concrete are presented in 20 Kg paper bags.