¿Qué es el microconcreto? Usos, tipos, aplicación y ventajas
The Topciment microcement is a decorative coating made up of cement, water-based resins, additives and mineral pigments that can be applied on a multitude of vertical and horizontal surfaces thanks to its great adherence. And it is that this construction material stands out because it is placed directly on the existing material: tiles, plasterboard, tiles, marble, terrazzo or plaster, among many others. With barely any work and a thickness of only 3 millimeters, a quick renovation of spaces is achieved.
Un recubrimiento a la vanguardia, sin juntas e ideal tanto para espacios exteriores como interiores. Un revestimiento continuo aplicable en pisos, paredes, escaleras, techos, piscinas e incluso muebles.Su versatilidad ha llevado a que cada vez esté más presente en las remodelaciones de casas particulares y en locales comerciales y grandes superficies como gimnasios, naves industriales, hoteles o restaurantes.
Topciment offers you a wide range of possibilities and decorative finishes, where the limit is set by you. Give the rooms a unique and personal character thanks to the different textures (thick, medium or fine); the wide variety of microcement colors; and the different finishes that our varnishes and metallic coatings allow.
No more complicated renovations. With Topciment microcement any combination and style is possible. We are looking forward to helping and advising you.