
Cómo hacer concreto estampado correctamente

The imprinted concrete, also called stamped concrete, is a decorative technique thanks to which any surface can be customized in an unlimited way. With it, you can quickly and easily imitate the appearance of noble materials such as cobblestones, brick, stone, tiles, slate or wood, among many others.

Un material muy versátil que encontramos con frecuencia en áreas públicas como aceras, carreteras, plazas, parques o centros comerciales. Pero también es muy común encontrarlo en porches, terrazas y entradas a áreas residenciales. Por lo general en exteriores, pero últimamente el uso del concreto estampado en interiores está ganando popularidad. Sobre todo en pavimentos estampados de grandes almacenes y espacios como estacionamientos, gimnasios, hoteles, centros comerciales y restaurantes.

Pero, ¿cómo se hace el concreto estampado? Lo primero que debes saber, es que el método de aplicación varía en función de la superficie donde se quiera aplicar este revestimiento. En este sentido, el tratamiento en pisos y paredes no es el mismo, aunque los resultados finales sí sean igual de espectaculares.

Next, we explain how to make imprinted concrete on floors and pavements and, also, how to apply vertical imprinted concrete on walls, facades and walls.

Cómo hacer concreto estampado en pisos: aplicación paso a paso

The use of imprinted concrete on floors, both indoors and outdoors, is the most common use of this coating. Some of the most striking imprinted pavements can be found in parks, terraces, squares, outdoor car parks, exteriors of shopping centers or entrances to residential areas.

En esta sección te explicamos cómo se hace el concreto estampado en pisos y pavimentos, paso a paso, para garantizar el éxito en la obra. Cometer un error en alguno de los pasos puede ser fatal.

Paso 1 de la aplicación de concreto estampado.

1. Preparar el pavimento antes de verter concreto

It is essential that the ground on which the fresh concrete is to be poured is in perfect condition, as it directly affects both the behavior and durability of the future imprinted pavement. To do this, the surface must be cleared of any element that could be an obstacle such as leaves or stones. Only in this way will a clean and quality surface be guaranteed.

To ensure the planimetry of the imprinted concrete pavement, the levels and slopes of the terrain must be prepared. A film of 400 gauge policret sheet will be applied to the base to prevent the dehydration of the concrete and a perimeter joint will be placed to delimit the areas to be filled with the concrete by placing a formwork box.

Before applying the concrete on the pavement, it is essential to pour the gravel (15 cm) and sand (2 cm) and compact the support.

Paso 2 de la aplicación de concreto estampado.

2. Verter el concreto en el suelo

Once the support is ready, it's time to pour the concrete evenly to prevent future problems. The layer of concrete must be perfectly leveled and compacted. Add polypropylene fibers to the concrete to improve its resistance. Steel mesh and joint should also be used on all perimeters and encounters with fixed elements.

If any of the following cases occur, the pouring of concrete on the floor or pavement must be interrupted:

Si se anticipa una posible caída de las temperaturas, por debajo de los 0ºC, durante las primeras 48 horas.

Si la temperatura del concreto es menor a los 10ºC o si la temperatura ambiente supera los 30ºC.

Si hay viento excesivo. Una condición que puede provocar la desecación de la superficie.

Paso 3 de la aplicación de concreto estampado.

3. Leveling and screeding of the concrete applied on the floor

Use a roller to compact and bleed the concrete. For smoothing or leveling the concrete floor, you have to use a trowel or leveler. To make imprinted concrete correctly, it is essential that in the screeding there is no mechanical vibration.

Paso 4 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

4. Fratasado del concreto

Con el concreto aún fresco, realizar el alisado para obtener un pavimento uniforme, compacto, resistente, liso y duradero. Saltarse este paso podría ocasionar la aparición de ampollas y laminación por un exceso de humedad.

Step 5 application of imprinted concrete on floors

5A . Espolvorear el endurecedor de color o mortero impreso sobre el pavimento

Once the exudation water has evaporated from the concrete, sprinkle the corresponding color hardener or imprinted mortar on the pavement. In our case, Stonecem® Floor with a proportion from 4 Kg/m² for dark colors up to 6 Kg/m² for light colors.

To make imprinted concrete on floors, it is very important to sprinkle the right amount of product. Otherwise, the result of the imprinted concrete floor will not be as desired.

Paso 6 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

5B. Coloración del concreto en masa

Además del espolvoreo, que es la técnica tradicional para pigmentar el pavimento de concreto, otro sistema es utilizar un pigmento en polvo como Arcocem® Fast. Este método consiste en introducir en la mezcladora de concreto dos bolsas por cada metro cúbico de superficie a cubrir. Dejamos cinco minutos para que el producto se mezcle con el concreto hasta lograr una masa homogénea y uniforme. Cuando ya esté, se vertería el concreto sobre el soporte.

Paso 7 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

6. Float the color hardener or imprinted mortar applied on the floor

Apply 2/3 of the specified amount of color hardener or imprinted mortar Stonecem® Floor e introduce el material en el concreto mediante una llana normalizada. Después, aplica el resto del producto y vuelve a proceder al alisado hasta lograr el acabado deseado.

Paso 8 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

7. Alisar el futuro pavimento estampado

The surface must be completely smoothed and without irregularities. For this, use a steel trowel until it is guaranteed that the surface has no porosity and is totally homogeneous. Review the edges of the concrete pavement with an edging trowel, to avoid chipping.

Paso 9
                                    aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

8. Aplicar el desmoldante para concreto estampado en el pavimento

Once the mortar has set, ensure that the future imprinted pavement has a firm but not hard appearance. And, above all, that the surface is free of water. When checked, apply the chosen release agent for imprinted concrete.

Within the Desmocem® family, we have powder release agents (Desmocem® Powder) y desmoldantes para concreto estampado líquidos (Desmocem® Liquid). We recommend using the first one, except in indoor spaces.

It should be noted that the release agent for imprinted concrete in powder Desmocem® Powder it carries color that, can be of the same shade as the color hardener, or different if you seeks to achieve an aged effect. Both favor the extraction of the mold of imprinted concrete once stamped on the pavement. The proportions are: 100 gr/m² and 125 mL/m² respectively.

Paso 10 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

9. Imprimar el molde de concreto estampado en el suelo

Para ejecutar el concreto estampado en el suelo es imprescindible elegir un molde y estamparlo en la superficie. Sin este elemento, estaríamos hablando de otra técnica decorativa distinta. En Imacem, tenemos más de 150 tipos para impregnar al suelo de una forma determinada.

Once the imprinted concrete mold has been selected, stamp it on the surface to imprint it. The placement of the mold on the ground must be consecutive and follow the continuity of the pieces. Use a tamper to more easily achieve the engraving of it.

Once done, we will proceed to carefully remove the mold from the pavement and place it on the rest of the untreated surface of the imprinted concrete floor. It is very important to respect the created design so that the result is optimal.

Paso 11 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

10. Remove the release agent for imprinted concrete from the pavement

Si las juntas de dilatación no se planearon inicialmente, hacer los cortes según el proyecto y antes de las 24 horas desde su implementación. 48 horas después, como mínimo, proceder a retirar el desmoldante para concreto estampado del pavimento.

Paso 12 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

11. Limpiar el pavimento estampado

72 hours later, rinse the treated surface with water to remove any remaining product and let it dry. To clean the imprinted pavement, you can use a pressure washer with an approximate pressure of 90 bars, applying the water gun at a prudent distance of 50 centimeters and nozzle in fan position.

Never, under any circumstances, apply a direct stream of water to the surface. In case the release agent for imprinted concrete used is Desmocem® Liquid, limpiar el pavimento estampado mediante barrido.

Recomendamos usar nuestros limpiadores Ecoclean Pro o Ecoclean Construction. This last one is very useful to avoid efflorescence after use of Desmocem® Powder. A detergent that removes lime, saltpeter, grouts, cement residues, etc. After its application, let the product act between 5 and 15 minutes. Once the time has elapsed, rinse the imprinted pavement with water and let it dry.

Paso 13 aplicación de concreto estampado en pisos

12. Apply the varnish to protect the imprinted pavement

The last step to make imprinted concrete on floors is without a doubt one of the most important. Since only good protection can ensure the durability and good condition of the pavement. At Topciment we have developed the family of varnishes Sealcem®, donde hay barnices al agua y barnices al disolvente. La elección de un tipo u otro depende del brillo y acabado que se busque.

Once the imprinted pavement has dried, apply two coats of any of our varnishes from the family Sealcem® . Hacerlo mediante airless, brocha o rodillo y dejar secar. Aunque nuestros barnices presentan una excelente resistencia a la intemperie, y por tanto, a las diferentes condiciones climatológicas como agua, viento y sol; recomendamos renovar el barniz.

How to make imprinted concrete on walls: step by step application

Imprinted concrete is not only a high-value decorative resource for floors, but also for a myriad of vertical surfaces such as walls, facades, walls or baseboards. In the same way as in pavements, in the application of vertical imprinted concrete you can resort to the same designs, textures and colors.

Although this use is less known, imprinted concrete is applicable on facades, walls, and baseboards. In fact, more and more people are opting for vertical imprinted concrete to give that rustic touch that never goes out of style. Properties and businesses are completely revalued thanks to such elegant finishes.

El concreto estampado vertical proporciona una solución decorativa muy estética, económica en comparación con otros materiales de construcción y, sobre todo, muy resistente y duradera. Protagonista absoluto de numerosos edificios emblemáticos de alto valor patrimonial.

One of the reasons why betting on vertical imprinted concrete is a total success, is because of its high resistance to impacts. A very important aspect to take into account because walls or facades usually receive all kinds of impacts frequently, especially in the lower areas. An element that you don't have to worry about thanks to the hardness of the imprinted concrete on walls.

Pero, ¿cómo se hace el concreto estampado en paredes? ¿Hay muchas diferencias respecto a la ejecución en pavimentos? A continuación te explicamos en qué consiste la aplicación del concreto estampado en las paredes, paso a paso. Un proceso algo diferente al de los suelos.

El primer paso para aplicar el concreto estampado vertical es preparar la superficie. Hay que asegurarse de que la superficie esté limpia y con todas las partes bien adheridas. En el caso de que fuese necesario, lijar, decapar o fresar la pared. Es recomendable emplear malla de fibra de vidrio con el fin de prevenir fisuras.

Next, clean the support with water until saturation. Once the water has been absorbed, apply a bonding bridge following the application instructions detailed in the technical sheet.

The second step to make imprinted concrete on walls consists of mixing the mortar with water using a stirrer or concrete mixer, until the mixture is completely homogeneous and without lumps. Plaster the wall on the base, never exceeding 15 minutes between kneading and application of the mortar.

Cuando la mezcla esté lista, extiende una primera capa (espesor 2 mm) sobre la pared con una llana de acero. Fijaremos una malla de fibra de vidrio para evitar cualquier tipo de fisura. Aplica una segunda capa con llana de acero, dejando ventilar el mortero para prevenir la aparición de burbujas en la pared. Es fundamental respetar las juntas de dilatación así como los encuentros con puntos singulares.

Just like it happened with the pavements, wait for the exudation water to evaporate. Then, sprinkle the color hardener.

Once the mortar has set, apply the liquid release agent for stamped concrete Desmocem® Liquid on the wall. It is also possible to use the release agent for imprinted concrete in powder version, Desmocem ® Powder, after choosing the desired color with a long-haired roller or a similar tool. The proportions of product, are the same as those of floors that have been detailed above.

Stamp the wall with the molds of vertical imprinted concrete from our line Imacem. The molds must be perfectly clean and, in the case of using Desmocem® Liquid,impregnarlos con anterioridad.

The application of the vertical imprinted concrete mold must be consecutive and follow the continuity of the pieces used. Manually fix the mold until it is completely stamped. Then, remove. When the mortar has hardened, it will be necessary to proceed to remove any remaining release agent residues.

After stamping the vertical imprinted concrete mold on the facade, wall or wall, you have to clean the impurities from the support with pressurized water. We advise using our detergents.Ecoclean Pro o Ecoclean Construction. Let it act for 5-15 minutes, then rinse the wall with water and let it dry.

The application of imprinted concrete on walls concludes with the use of a good protective varnish. We can choose both a water-based varnish (Sealcem® WT) como un barniz solvente (Sealcem® DSV). The choice will depend on the shine or type of finish you want to achieve. Apply two coats of product.

¿Dónde se puede aplicar el concreto estampado?

La diversidad es una de las ventajas por excelencia del concreto estampado, ya que puede aplicarse prácticamente sobre cualquier superficie habida y por haber. Estos son algunos de sus usos más comunes:

  • Banquetas
  • Centros comerciales
  • Garajes
  • Patios
  • Entradas residenciales
  • Terrazas
  • Porches
  • Estacionamientos
  • Viviendas
  • Garajes
  • Parques
  • Urbanizaciones
  • Albercas
  • Escaleras