
Topciment renueva un año más con CYPE

Topciment ha renovado un año más con CYPE. Con este acuerdo, la empresa de microcemento podrá seguir brindando servicio a los profesionales de la construcción en términos de elaboración de presupuestos de obras.

In this way, the company located in Manises establishes itself as one of the companies most committed to architects and engineers, this agreement will allow them to use in their measurements a precise and exhaustive description of the characteristics of each work unit, in this case of the microcement, through the price generator.

El Generador de precios, al cual  plataforma more than 2 million users access it per year, it is an effective computer tool used by architects and project managers, which provides prices with cost forecasts and facilitates the preparation of complete and quality project documentation. At the same time, it includes direct information from manufacturers and their products.

Topciment has integrated its products into the Price Generator, which places its products in the first useful showcase of construction. Technicians will be able to find information and images of Topciment products adjusted to the characteristics chosen in the game and prominently when they decide the materials that make up each construction solution.