TopSealer® 100: un barniz de poliuretano alifático de rápida puesta en servicio
Improve existing products and innovate with the new ones we launch to the market. That is the goal we have set as a company at Topciment® and for which we work very hard to satisfy. In this context, we expand our range of high-performance polyurethane varnishes for microcement coatings.
We incorporate TopSealer® 100, a single-component aliphatic polyurethane varnish and 100% solids that stands out for its stain-resistant property, high traffic resistance (even wheeled) and quick commissioning. A sealer of great added value that we are convinced will be one of the favorites of professional applicators.
An aliphatic polyurethane varnish suitable for pedestrian traffic after 24h
The quick commissioning that TopSealer® 100 allows, without affecting the extraordinary hardness it gives to the support, is one of its most prominent virtues compared to other varnishes in the TopSealer® family. The waiting time for pedestrian traffic is just 24 hours, which facilitates and speeds up the start-up of large-scale projects such as homes, schools or offices, among others.
In the case of heavy traffic, wait times are also accelerated up to 5 days. A period shorter than that of many products on the market, so this aliphatic polyurethane varnish is ideal for performing a sealing treatment in spaces such as parking lots.
Alta resistencia química y propiedades anti-manchas
Las características químicas de TopSealer® 100 son igualmente excepcionales. Por eso, es ideal para usar en pisos de áreas sujetas a derrames de líquidos y que, por lo tanto, deben ser protegidos de posibles infiltraciones. También, tiene la particularidad de tener una alta resistencia a las manchas que lo hacen en conjunto un sellador muy interesante. Un barniz de poliuretano alifático 100% sólidos y monocomponente de gran utilidad para espacios como cafeterías u hospitales.

More advantages of aliphatic polyurethane varnish TopSealer® 100
So far we have delved into some of the essential features of TopSealer® 100, such as its quick commissioning and its anti-stain property. As well as some of the most recommended application fields to use this polyurethane sealer. However, its magnificent performance does not stop here. Next, we are going to delve into other additional aspects that make this single-component varnish and 100% solids exceptional.
Bajo tiempo de espera entre capas
Just as TopSealer® 100 guarantees a quick commissioning, the drying time between coats is minimal compared to other sealers. You only need to leave between 4 and 6 hours between coats. Or in other words. In a single day, the floor or wall covering to be decorated will be completely sealed and can be walked on without fear after 24 hours. Isn't that fantastic?
Notable resistencia a la abrasión y a la compresión
En las superficies con tráfico medio y medio alto no te arriesgues, utiliza nuestro barniz poliuretano alifático TopSealer® 100 y benefíciate de su alta resistencia mecánica. Concretamente ofrece una resistencia a la abrasión Taber de 40,7 mg y una resistencia a la compresión de > 65 MPa.
Se acorta el proceso de aplicación al no haber imprimación
Agilidad de puesta en servicio y de instalación. Una de las características distintivas de nuestros selladores TopSealer® es que, en la mayoría de ellos, recomendamos un doble sellado para aumentar las resistencias que proporcionan. En este sentido, entra en juego nuestro PreSealer. Bueno, en el caso de este barniz de poliuretano alifático no es así. La imprimación sale de la ecuación y, por lo tanto, se multiplica la velocidad de aplicación y se reducen los tiempos.
Interior o exterior, tú eliges
Las propiedades alifáticas de TopSealer® 100 le otorgan una resistencia total frente a la exposición solar. Al no ponerse amarillo puede utilizarse perfectamente en superficies al aire libre. ¿Dónde lo usarás?
Fields of use of the aliphatic polyurethane varnish TopSealer® 100
There are many and varied fields of application to which TopSealer® 100 is used thanks to its formidable performance. Broadly speaking, it is valid for those areas that require a quick commissioning, that suffer from liquid spills, that are exposed to considerable light and heavy traffic and that need an extra hardness. That is, continuous pavements both industrial and decorative microcement and decorative self-leveling. The range of applications is immense:
- Viviendas residenciales
- Estacionamientos y aparcamientos
- Hospitales y residencias
- Oficinas y bibliotecas
- Cafeterías y restaurantes
- Supermercados
- Escuelas
How to apply the aliphatic polyurethane varnish TopSealer® 100
As previously mentioned, the aliphatic polyurethane varnish TopSealer® 100 is very easy and quick to apply. For this, the professional must use a very short hair roller (microfiber) or alternatively a 0/1 pore foam roller. This is because consumption must be very low as it is a 100% solid sealer.
Having said that, there are other considerations that must be kept in mind if you want to use this polyurethane as a sealer for a microcement coating:
- You have to let it dry between 24 and 48 hours after applying the chosen microcement system to be able to use TopSealer® 100.
- La humedad del microcemento debe ser inferior al 4% en masa y en superficie no puede superar los 21º.
- Do not apply on pavements with temperatures below 10ºC or above 30ºC.
1. Preparar el piso o pared antes de aplicar el barniz
Make sure the support is firm and perfectly cohesive, as well as free of grease, dust, poorly adhered materials, curing liquid and dirt. If there were any defects, they would have to be remedied prior to the use of TopSealer® 100.
2. Aplicar dos capas muy delgadas del barniz TopSealer® 100
With one of the two varnishes detailed above, proceed to apply 2 coats of the aliphatic polyurethane varnish TopSealer® 100. Ensure that the product is applied in very thin layers, as exceeding the appropriate thickness could result in incorrect catalysis with the consequent appearance of unwanted bubbles and air occlusion.
Never, under any circumstances, can you exceed 70 g/m2 per layer which is the optimal performance to enjoy the previously highlighted features. Important: you should not use a primer and, therefore, PreSealer is not used.
3. Respetar las 4-6 horas de secado entre capas
To ensure proper protection from TopSealer® 100, it is essential to leave a space of 4 -6 hours between coats. Finally, and despite the fact that this aliphatic polyurethane varnish is extremely fast to put into service (24h pedestrian traffic and 5 days heavy traffic), as manufacturers we advise to let the sealer act for 7 days to reach its maximum performance. About sanding, it is not necessary, but if you want, you could do a very gentle sanding of the first hand of TopSealer® 100. What else do you need to know to encourage you to try it?
Texto de prueba: Los barnices para microcemento Topsealer se pueden aplicar tanto en interiores como exteriores y, además, son capaces de crear superficies antideslizantes e impermeables. Contamos con todo tipo de selladores: barnices de poliuretano al agua, barnices de poliuretano al disolvente, barnices bicomponentes 100% sólidos, barnices de poliuretano acrílicos e incluso barnices de poliuretano con pistola.
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