
Polyurethane varnishes, water-based and acrylic for microcement

TopSealer® is the line of sealers from Topciment designed for the protection of multiple supports such as microcement, parquet, wood, stamped concrete or metals, among others.

We have a wide variety of polyurethane varnishes depending on the material you want to protect and the finish you are looking to achieve. Sealers with unbeatable mechanical and chemical resistances such as to abrasion, water, scratching, stains, sunlight and ultraviolet or to aggressive cleaning products.

The varnishes for microcement TopSealer® can be applied both indoors and outdoors and, in addition, they are capable of creating non-slip and waterproof surfaces. We have all kinds of sealers: water-based polyurethane varnishes, solvent-based polyurethane varnishes, 100% solid two-component varnishes, acrylic polyurethane varnishes and even polyurethane varnishes with gun.

Below, we present you the wide range of TopSealer® sealers.

Logo Sttandard Microdeck
Topsealer WT One Coat

Water-based two-component polyurethane varnish of superior resistance

TopSealer® WT One Coat is a two-component water-based polyurethane varnish used to preserve and protect microcement. Among its many qualities, it stands out as a sealer that intensifies chemical resistances, reduces its drying time and guarantees exquisite workability.

This water-based varnish that facilitates the cleaning and maintenance of microcement, presents high resistances to wear, abrasion and scratches, to chemicals and dirt. Although it does not yellow in exteriors, it guarantees its maximum performance indoors.

The polyurethane sealer TopSealer® WT One Coat is suitable for application on multiple supports: metals, imprinted concrete and cement pavements, parquet and wood. It is formulated to be applied significantly faster than before, which considerably accelerates the execution times of the works.

In terms of the finishes offered by this polyurethane varnish, we find matte or super matte varnish; satin varnish and glossy varnish.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® WT One Coat

Technical features of the water-based two-component polyurethane varnish with superior resistance TopSealer® WT One Coat

solid icon
Drying time

Minimum 8h and maximum 24h between layers (2 coats).

viscosity icon
Total solids

35 ±1% (A+B)

Apparent density
König Hardness

200 seconds (14 days of curing)

icono ph

Between 7-8 (Component A)


The performance of the two-component water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT One Coat is: 0.15 L/m² (2 coats)


The water-based two-component polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT One Coat comes in 5 L (Component A) + 1 L (Component B) containers.

Logo Sttandard Microdeck
Topsealer WT One Coat

Water-based two-component polyurethane varnish for damp areas

TopSealer® WT Dragon forms another high-performance water-based polyurethane varnish. Of a two-component nature, it is designed to safeguard the microcement.

However, its versatility allows this water-based varnish to be used to protect wood, parquet and sports courts, among other surfaces.

What sets the TopSealer® WT Dragon polyurethane sealer apart are its superior chemical resistances and high traffic resistances. Two virtues that make it the most competent for wet areas, such as bathrooms, and for coatings that suffer from the wear inherent to high traffic.

Its notable features are transferred to the outdoors, being our most recommended polyurethane varnish for outdoor spaces. As for its finishes, this product is available in gloss, satin and matte.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® WT Dragon

Technical features of the water-based two-component polyurethane varnish for wet areas TopSealer® WT Dragon

solid icon
Drying time

Minimum 12h and maximum 24h between layers (2 coats).

viscosity icon
Total solids

42 ±1% (A+B)

Apparent density
König Hardness

200 seconds (14 days of curing)

ph icon

Between 7-8 (Component A)


The performance presented by the two-component water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT Dragon is: 0.15 L/m² (2 coats).


The water-based two-component polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT Dragon is available in 3L containers (Component A) + 1L (Component B).

Logo Sttandard Microdeck
Topsealer WT Quick Dry

Quick-curing, waterproof, two-component cold polyurea

TopSealer® Pro + is a quick-curing, waterproof, two-component cold polyurea against running water that is ideal for the protection of surfaces coated with microcement and concrete in interiors. This two-component varnish 100% solids does not use primer (Presealer), in fact it is designed to be applied in a single layer as it has the ability to fully penetrate the pores guaranteeing total sealing.

This exclusive high gloss varnish provides an extra hardness to the microcement in addition to preventing the breathability to water vapour. Also, this two-component varnish 100% solids has the ability to enhance the colour of the microcement and stamped concrete floors in interiors.

If the professional were to seek to reduce the gloss of the final finish, they could then apply a layer of our varnish TopSealer® WT One Coat (satin, matte or super matte finish) or a layer of our varnish TopSealer® DSV (satin or matte finish). With any of these combinations, the surface coated with microcement automatically acquires greater scratch resistance.

We have two types of two-component cold polyurea TopSealer® Pro + depending on the curing times: Fast and Slow.

Quick-curing and waterproof cold polyurea TopSealer® Pro + Fast

The two-component cold polyurea TopSealer® Pro + Fast intensifies and enhances the colour of the microcement substrates. Its application, for which there is no need to prime with Presealer beforehand, is carried out with a "pore 0" roller or trowel and guarantees excellent resistance to water, wear, certain chemicals, and UV light.

This two-component 100% solid varnish enhances the colour of microcement coatings. In addition to presenting great resistance, it stands out for its notable resistance to yellowing.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® Pro + Fast

Quick-curing and waterproof cold polyurea TopSealer® Pro + Slow

The two-component 100% solids varnish TopSealer® Pro + Slow also does not use primer. A cold two-component polyurea with the ability to waterproof against running water and protect any microcement support indoors as well as stamped concrete floors.

Being a very glossy varnish, this cold polyurea enhances the shine of the surface as well as its hardness. It is applied in a single coat either with a "pore 0" roller or trowel. It has very good resistance to wear, UV light (does not yellow) and some chemical products.

In the same way as it happens with the cold polyurea TopSealer® Pro + Fast, this two-component varnish 100% solids waterproofs the microcement against running water thus preventing the breathability to steam of water.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® Pro + Slow

Technical features of cold polyureas TopSealer® Pro +

high brightness icon
High gloss
touch dry icon
Quick drying

2-3 hours TopSealer® Pro + Fast
8 hours TopSealer® Pro + Slow

viscosity icon

Against running water

applicable icon exterior interior
Application time

15 minutes TopSealer® Pro + Fast
25-30 minutes TopSealer® Pro + Slow


The performance of the cold polyureas TopSealer® Pro + Fast and TopSealer® Pro + Slow is: 60-100 g/m2 (1 coat)


The 100% solid and waterproof two-component varnishes TopSealer® Pro + Fast and Slow come in a two-component pack 0.8 kg (component A) and 0.64 kg (component B)

Logo Sttandard Microdeck
Topsealer DSV

Bicomponent solvent acrylic polyurethane varnish

TopSealer® DSV is a two-component (A + B) solvent-based acrylic polyurethane varnish. This sealer protects surfaces coated with microcement indoors and outdoors.

This two-component polyurethane sealer provides good resistance to abrasion, scratching, water, ultraviolet light, and household cleaning agents.

In addition, it is an acrylic varnish that significantly enhances the colour of microcement, stamped concrete, wood or parquet coatings. The three finishes of TopSealer® DSV are: matte, gloss and satin.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® DSV

Technical features Solvent-based two-component acrylic polyurethane varnish TopSealer® DSV

hardness icon

14 days of curing: 120 seconds

high stability colour icon

20 s (Copa Ford 4)

solid icon

Comp.A 40% Comp.B 39%


Microfino - 0,17 L/m2
Microdeck - 0,20 L/m2
Microstone - 0,25 L/m2


The solvent-based two-component acrylic polyurethane varnish TopSealer® DSV comes in a 4 L container (component A) + two 1 L containers each (hardener component B)

Logo Sttandard Microdeck

Water-based acrylic varnish

Presealer is a water-based acrylic varnish formulated from acrylic copolymers in emulsion and unalterable to moisture. A sealer that stands out for its easy application, its great adhesion and its excellent resistance to the alkalinity of microcement coatings.

A water-based acrylic varnish used as a sealer for swimming pools in the old Atlanttic Aquaciment® microcement system and that, now, only serves as a primer for some of our microcement systems.

Presealer has the ability to act as a primer between the microcement and the varnish, consolidating and waterproofing the support. Specifically on the two-component microcement systems Sttandard, Natture and the single-component system Evoluttion.

Download the Presealer technical sheet here

Technical features of the water-based acrylic varnish Presealer

alkali resistance icon
Very resistant

Stable in humid environment and great resistance to the alkalinity of the microcement.

Apparent density
Density at 20ºC

1 ± 0,01 g/mL

ph icon

between 7 and 8.5


The performance of the Presealer water-based acrylic varnish is: 0.12 L/m² (2 coats).


The water-based acrylic varnish Presealer comes in 5L jugs.

Logo Sttandard Microdeck
All in One

Water-based single-component polyurethane varnish

TopSealer® WT All in One is a single-component water-based polyurethane varnish developed for the protection of microcement, especially the ready-to-use Efectto Quartz.

This polyurethane sealer significantly enhances the colour and provides good abrasion resistance while offering quick drying and easy application.

A water-based polyurethane varnish that has good chemical resistances, to water and alkalinity. In addition, it is unalterable to ultraviolet light. Available in matte and satin.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® WT All in One

Technical features of the water-based polyurethane varnish single-component TopSealer® WT All in One

solid icon

32.5 - 36% (matte finish)

25.5 - 28.5% (satin finish) translate-tag

shore hardness icon
Drying time

4h between layers (3 coats, 4 for wet and high traffic areas).

Apparent density

1,03 ± 0,01g/cm3

viscosity icon

35 ± 10 s (Copa Ford 4mm)

touch dry icon



The performance of the single-component water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT All in One is:

• 0.2 L/m² (for 3 layers)
• 0.25 L/m² (for 4 layers)


The water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT All in One comes in 2 and 5 litre containers.

Logo Topsealer Sray
Topsealer Spray  -  Barniz con pistola

Water-based polyurethane varnish with gun

TopSealer® WT Spray is a water-based varnish designed to protect surfaces coated with microcement or concrete. In addition to being applied with a gun unlike other polyurethane sealers, it stands out for its extraordinary hardness and for having improved chemical and mechanical resistances.

This two-component polyurethane varnish is highly recommended for microcement kitchens and bathrooms. It perfectly withstands bleach, detergents, vinegar stains, oil, wine, fats, etc.

TopSealer® WT Spray is a water-based varnish with a gun that is available in gloss and has good resistance to abrasion, scratches, chemical agents, water, alkalis and does not yellow under the action of sunlight.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® Spray

Technical features of the water-based polyurethane varnish with TopSealer® WT Spray gun

solid icon

32 ±2% Comp. A
100% Comp. B

solid icon

8 ±1 Comp. A

Apparent density

1,05 ±0,01 g/ml Comp.A y B

viscosity icon

60” ±5 a 25ºC Comp.A (Copa Ford 4)


The performance of the TopSealer® WT Spray (1 coat) 1 coat: 140 ±10 g/m2


The water-based polyurethane varnish with TopSealer® WT Spray gun is presented in 3 L jugs (Component A) + 1 L bottle (Component B)

Logo Topsealer WT Pool
Topsealer WT Pool

Water-based acrylic varnish for swimming pools

Topsealer® WT Pool is a water-based acrylic varnish formulated from acrylic copolymer emulsion. Of a single-component nature, this sealer has been developed for our Atlanttic Aquaciment® microcement system for pools.

Water-based acrylic varnish very easy to apply designed to substantially improve the mechanical and chemical resistances of swimming pools coated with microcement. Whether Atlanttic Aquaciment® is used on the crown and edges or in the basin, including saltwater pools.

A water vapour permeable pool sealer, alkali resistant and stable in a humid environment with which a protective and consolidating film is created.

Download here the technical sheet of Topsealer® WT Pool

Technical features of the water-based acrylic varnish for pools Topsealer® WT Pool

solid icon


solid icon

Entre 6,5 y 7,5

viscosity icon
Viscosity (Ford Cup 4)

10 -15 segundos

Apparent density
Application temperature

De 10ºC a 25ºC


The performance of the water-based acrylic varnish for pools TopSealer® WT Pool is 0.12L/m² (1 coat).


The single-component water-based varnish for swimming pools Topsealer® WT Pool comes in 5 litre containers.

Logo Topsealer 100
TopSealer 100

100% solid aliphatic monocomponent polyurethane varnish

TopSealer® 100 is a 100% solid and solvent-free polyurethane varnish. A high-performance single-component sealer that thanks to its aliphatic property can be applied outdoors due to its high resistance to UV rays.

This 100% solid polyurethane with anti-stain properties is specially designed to protect microcement coatings, although it is suitable for both decorative and industrial continuous flooring, both cementitious and resinous. It has excellent mechanical resistance for both medium and high traffic.

Its extraordinary resistance to abrasion as well as its good chemical performance make this varnish a guaranteed complement for car parks, supermarkets, libraries, hospitals, schools, residences, offices, cafes, etc.

It has the ability to catalyse at low temperature, so it can be applied without problems in conditions of intense cold. With anti-slip properties and available in gloss and matte finish.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® 100

Technical features of the 100% solid monocomponent polyurethane varnish TopSealer® 100

solid icon

To abrasion (EN 13892-2): AR0.5 < 90%
To impact > 14.7 Nm
To compression (EN 13892-2): > 65 MPa

viscosity icon
Quick commissioning

Pedestrian traffic: 24h
Heavy traffic: 5 days

Apparent density
Drying time

4-6h between coats (2 coats).


The performance of the 100% solid monocomponent polyurethane TopSealer® 100 is 0.070 kg/m2 per layer.


The 100% solid polyurethane TopSealer® 100 is presented in a 1 and 5 kg metal drum.

Logo Topsealer WT Natural Effect
TopSealer WT Natural Effect

Water-based two-component polyurethane varnish with a natural finish

Topsealer® WT Natural Effect is a two-component water-based polyurethane varnish that guarantees a semi-gloss finish and a natural look. In addition, it guarantees total protection of the microcement on those surfaces that are indoors.

This sealer is formulated to achieve great resistances that protect from yellowing and wear, to occasional contact with running water, preventing these external threats from altering the surfaces protected with Natural Effect. It should be noted that if soap or detergent falls on it, it is recommended to remove these residues quickly to prevent the appearance of marks or grooves.

If we pay attention to its appearance, it has a very high transparency, which helps to respect the characteristic finishes of the specific microcement that has been applied, enhancing its decorative value.

If we pay attention to its appearance, it has a very high transparency, which helps to respect the characteristic finishes of the specific microcement that has been applied, enhancing its decorative value.

Download here the technical sheet of TopSealer® WT Natural Effect

Technical features of the water-based two-component polyurethane varnish with natural finish TopSealer® WT Natural Effect

solid icon
Total solids (A+B)

25 ± 2%

viscosity icon
Persoz Hardness (24h later)


Apparent density
Density at 25º C

1.045 - 1.055 g/mL

Apparent density
Dry to the touch

30 minutes


The performance of the two-component water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT Natural Effect is: 0.15 L/m² (2 coats)


The water-based polyurethane varnish TopSealer® WT Natural Effect comes in containers of 5 L (Component A) + 500 mL (Component B)
